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Sequence of Returns Risk is the Real Threat to Your Retirement Plan

Even as the stock market works its way to new highs, retirement savers, still shell-shocked from the extreme volatility of recent years, are slow to wade back into equities. Smaller investors tend to ignore the history that shows that the market eventually rewards those who can withstand the fluctuations and stay the course through the various market cycles.

Zeroing in on Mutual Fund Expenses

As investment options continue to expand and competition for investment dollars increase, the mutual fund industry is coming under increasing scrutiny for the expenses charged in many mutual funds.

Determining Your Risk Tolerance

What’s Your Risk Management Plan?

Most people couldn’t bear the financial hardships resulting from unexpected events, such as a major house fire, a car accident, a disability or the premature death of a family breadwinner, which is why one of the most important component of a sound financial plan should be your personal risk management strategy.

China's Gold Mystery Ends


U.S. Equity Markets: Total Payout Yield: 1871 - 2014


U.S. Equity Markets: Dividends and Repurchases: 1871 - 2014


Bond Yields and Future 10 Year Bond Returns


CAPE Ratios and Future 10 Year Stock Market Returns


The Average annual Real Returns of 60% and 40% Bond Portfolio from 1900-2014


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