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U.S. 60/40 Portfolio 10-Year Rolling Real Return Since 1952

U.S. 60 40 Portfolio 10-Year Rolling Real Return Since 1952.png

Equity Earnings Yield and Subsequent Rolling 10-Year Returns Since 1952

Equity Earnings Yield and Subsequent Rolling 10-Year Returns Since 1952.png

Average Estimated Full-Time U.S. Undergraduate Budgets

Average Estimated Full-Time U.S. Undergraduate Budgets.png

Morningstar Estimates that Approximately 100-200bps Are Lost Annually to Tax-Inefficient Investing

Morningstar Estimates that Approximately 100-200bps Are Lost Annually to Tax-Inefficient Investing.png

Frequency of Positive Returns in U.S. Equity Market

Frequency of Positive Returns in U.S. Equity Market.png

U.S. Equity Annual Returns Since 1926

U.S. Equity Annual Returns Since 1926.png

Duration of U.S. Economic Expansion Since 1945

Duration of U.S. Economic Expansion Since 1945.png

Central Banks Balance Sheet Expansion by Country Since 2003

Central Banks Balance Sheet Expansion by Country Since 2003.png

Credit Spreads are Below Historical Averages as of 2017

Credit Spreads are below historical averages.png

Performance and Valuation of Value vs Growth Since 1968

Performance and Valuation of Value vs Growth Since 1968.png

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